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Beginning (Introduction) Bridge In-Person Course on Saturdays


Beginning (Introduction) Bridge In-Person Course Wednesday Evenings

Dates: October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 21, 30, 2024

Time: 1-3 pm

Fee: $109/person
Pay-as-you-go: $20/person/class
Want a review, you can select specific dates based on the topic.


Bridge is a wonderful hobby that is played by people all over the world.

Beginning (Introduction) Bridge In-Person Course starts your bridge journey with this 9 week course. Learn and play bridge in-person! Keep your mind active and meeting new people! This course is designed for players who have never played bridge before.

Bridge is a wonderful hobby that allows you to enjoy playing with a limited amount of knowledge, moreover it provides players with a life-long opportunity for developing skills and playing the game.

Each session includes topic based instruction and then playing bridge focusing on the topic of the day.

No prior bridge knowledge is required

Registration Required: Contact Bernadette at 856-795-PLAY (7529) or email [email protected]

We follow the ACBL Beginner Bridge Series. This class uses the Bidding in the 21st Century student workbook. Participants are not required to purchase it but we do highly recommend it.

Class 1: Basic Introduction: Trick taking & play
Class 2: Basic Introduction: Opening the auction
Class 3: Responses to 1NT opening bids
Class 4: Responses to opening bid of one in a suit
Class 5: Rebids by opener
Class 6: Rebids by responder
Class 7: Overcalls & advances
Class 8: Takeout doubles & advances
Class 9: Introduction to Stayman convention

*If you want to attend a particular date, please contact Game Friendzy to confirm that the week’s topic has not been changed.

Registration Required:

Contact Bernadette at 856-795-PLAY (5729) or email [email protected]

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Hope to see you at the Beginning (Introduction) Bridge In-Person Course.

Additional Information:

For additional Bridge lessons or games offered, please visit the Game Friendzy calendar for dates and times.

Beginning (Introduction) Bridge In-Person Course.
Dates: October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 21, 30, 2024.  Time: 1-3 pm in person $109 per person for all 9 weeks. Note: If you want to attend a specific week, you can register for just that week. The registration fee by week fee is $20/class/person. To register for a specific week, please contact Bernadette at 856-795-7529. Details: Start your bridge journey with this Beginning (Introduction) Bridge 9 week In-Person Course.  Learn and play bridge in-person! Keep your mind active, not to mention meeting new people! This course is designed for players who have never played bridge before. Join us for a friendly, welcoming and interactive introduction to bridge course. Bridge is a wonderful hobby that allows you to enjoy playing with a limited amount of knowledge, moreover it provides players with a life-long opportunity for developing skills and playing the game. Each session includes topic based instruction and then playing bridge focusing on the topic of the day. No prior bridge knowledge is required. Registration Required: Contact Bernadette at 856-795-PLAY (5729) or email [email protected]We follow the ACBL Beginner Bridge Series. This class uses the Bidding in the 21st Century student workbook. Participants are not required to purchase it but we do highly recommend it. 


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