Play of the Hand (Declarer Play) Online Bridge Class
9 online sessions
Mondays 6-7:30 pm
Dates: June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, August 5
Fee: $109/person or
A-la-carte: $20/person/class
Practice and develop your declarer bridge play in a friendly environment. This 9 session course continues to reinforce the basics of bridge bidding and exploring declarer playing strategies and plans. Additionally, lessons focus on declarer playing techniques including promotion, finesse, counting winners and losers.
Develop your declarer play. You won the contract, now learn and practice good declarer planning and playing techniques. Additionally, we follow the ACBL Beginning bridge series Play of the Hand. Each week the facilitator will introduce the playing topic of the week and then participants will bid, plan, and play hands which focus the topics of the week.
Topics include (see below for full outline):
Making a plan
Promoting winners
Trumping losers
Introduction to Jacoby Transfer
Introduction to Slam bidding concepts
Each session includes topic based instruction and then it is off to the tables where everyone gets to play bridge using the topic of the day.
See below for a list of topics by class session.
Registration Required: Register and pay through this shop or contact Bernadette at 856-795-PLAY (5729) or email [email protected].
You can also pay through venmo. un: gamefriendzy four digits: 9238
Tech requirements: Internet capable device (computer or tablet recommended) with Zoom installed and ready to go. We also use Shark Bridge for playing the hands. You do not need a Shark Bridge account. Students access Shark Bridge through internet browsers such as Google, Edge, Safari etc.
Class Topics by week*
Week 1:
Play topic: Take the time to plan your hand.
Bidding topic: Opening at the 1 level & responses.
Defense topic: Opening leads vs NT contracts.
Week 2:
Play topic: Developing Tricks: Promotion.
Bidding topic: Opener’s and Responder’s rebids.
Defense topic: Opening leads vs. suit contracts.
Week 3:
Play topic: Finessing.
Bidding topic: Overcalls & advancing.
Defense topic: Leading/returning partner’s suit.
Week 4:
Play topic: Eliminating losers, ruffing, discarding, quick vs. slow losers.
Bidding topic: Takeout doubles & advancing.
Defense topic: Third hand high, but only as high as necessary.
Week 5:
Play topic: Recognizing, developing, & leveraging entries.
Bidding topic: Stayman Convention review.
Defense topic: Second hand low, and when not to.
Week 6:
Play topic: Hold up play & avoiding the dangerous opponent.
Bidding topic: Strong opening bids (2NT & 2C) and responses.
Defense topic: Defensive hold up & ducking.
Week 7:
Play topic: Managing trump suit – e.g.. when to pull trump… or not.
Bidding topic: Introduction to slam bidding, quantitative invite, blackwood, gerber.
Defense topic: Attitude signals.
Week 8:
Play topic: Combining techniques – eight ever nine never & safety play.
Bidding topic: Introduction to preemptive weak opening bids.
Defense topic: Creating a defensive plan.
Week 9:
Play topic: Introduction to Jacoby Transfer.
Bidding topic: Jacoby Transfer, and the continuing auction.
*If you want to attend a particular date, please contact Game Friendzy to confirm that the week’s topic hasn’t been changed.
If you are interested in other lessons or games please visit our calendar.
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