Social Pinochle Facilitated Play
Play Pinochle in a friendly, relaxed environment. Tables for social Pinochle are constructed as players arrive. No partners necessary. A Game Friendzy facilitator is always available for assistance and answering basic game questions. All supplies provided.
Beginners are welcome.
We play 2, 3, & 4 person variations of Pinochle
When & Where
Tuesdays – 9:30-11:30 am
Fee: $10/person/session
Single Session for $10 or
Baker’s dozen discount cards available.
Game Friendzy
7 Carnegie Plaza
Suite 400
Cherry Hill NJ 08003
We are around back in the Fox building
Additional Info
As always complimentary coffee, tea, and light snacks. Covered beverages only at game tables. No eating at game tables. We have lots of tables in the lobby for snacking.
If you are have been exposed to covid or are feeling unwell, please stay home for the consideration of others.
For more information:
Contact Bernadette at
856-795-PLAY (7529) or [email protected].
See you at the tables!