Dates: October 14, 21, & 28, November 4
Fee: $65 for course
A-La-Carte fee: $20/class
This 4 week course examines the Stayman Convention and subsequent bids including using Stayman with a weak hand, invitational hand, game hand, or very strong hand. What to do with a 4 & 5 card major, competitive auctions including use of the cuebid, and Stayman as a minor suit slam try. The facilitator will use the ACBL Commonly Used Conventions course, chapter 1 as a base for the course. Other materials will be used to offer further examples.
Each week the facilitator will provided a lesson on the topic then we will bid, discuss & play 4-6 hands that reinforce the topic of the day.
Basic bridge knowledge and familiarity with the Stayman Convention required.
Weekly Topics:
Week 1:
Stayman Convention Over 1NT & 2NT
Week 2:
Stayman Convention with a weak hand & handling interference.
Week 3:
Stayman as a Minor-Suit Slam Try
Week 4:
Putting it all together
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