Bridge Classes 2


Bridge Classes

Bridge Classes
Jacoby Transfer Convention

We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

~Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw

Bridge Classes

Bridge is a wonderfully complex and ever evolving game that is played all around the world. Learning and playing bridge is a journey, not a destination. Players can enjoy playing at every level, from beginner to expert. It is a trick-taking card game where you play with a partner to win as many points as possible. Bridge is easy to learn but challenging to master, making it endlessly exhilarating and entertaining.

Playing and learning Bridge is a journey not a destination. You can play, and enjoy Bridge with very little knowledge. As you play, you begin to see and learn that there are so many ways to expand your knowledge at your own pace. It is a game that is played all over the world. It is a partnership card game that combines, communication, logic, collaboration, and luck to achieve your best possible outcome. All of the executive skills are employed.
We offer a variety of in person and online, private, semi-private, and group lessons including:
Introduction to Bridge ~ Beginner ~ Advanced Beginner ~ Intermediate lessons
Looking for practice sessions where you can develop your skills with a facilitator in a relaxed environment? Check out our online Social Guided Bridge times.

Interested in upcoming classes? Please register on our email list by clicking here and completing the form. You can also look at our Home Page for current offerings.

Regarding our Bridge Lessons, we offer a variety of in person and online, private, semi-private, and group lessons including:
Introduction to Bridge ~ Beginner ~ Advanced Beginner ~ Intermediate lessons
Looking for practice sessions where you can develop your skills with a facilitator in a relaxed environment? Check out our online Social Guided Bridge times.